Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have 50 ELIX devices funded for veterans!
If you wish to help us give a veteran an ELIX wearable, support here.
About the ELIX Wearable
TheraV’s ELIX helps manage post-amputation discomfort.
If you’re a veteran, sign up here to receive one of our ELIX wearables at no financial cost. ELIX wearables will be available on a first come, first served basis.

Veterans Across the U.S.A using TheraV
Thanks to your generous donations, TheraV ELIX has been distributed to 50 Veterans living with amputation pain. The map below shows where the devices were sent. Hear what they had to say about TheraV ELIX.

Veterans give so much. Now it’s our time to give back!
While not all amputations are a result of combat, they are still a challenge for many veterans. In 2016, the VA medical centers treated nearly 90,000 veterans with amputations. Of those, 42 percent had amputations related to their military service.

If you’re a veteran amputee and interested in receiving an ELIX wearable, sign up below.
The ELIX wearables are available on a first come, first served basis.