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The Story of the $80 Knee

The ReMotion Knee v3 was designed with the user entirely in mind. It is sleek, durable, water resistant, light weight and an extremely functional knee joint, and it is affordable at only $80. This device was designed by Stanford students for the JaipurFoot Organization, which is the largest prosthetic provider in India as well as the world. Through its three design phases, until it landed on the Remotion Knee v3, it was tested and distributed in Ecuador where students watched their product come to life as well as improve the lives of others. Based on feedback from the patients in Ecuador who tested the device, they added a noise dampener as well as round the shape of the knee joint to make it look more natural.

Currently there are 531 amputees who have been fitted for this device, 300 of them were amputees who otherwise would not have been fit at all due to the high cost of similar prosthesis. Now the ReMotion knee has expanded to 30 countries worldwide. The knee component of a prosthetic limb is often the most complex and expensive part as it can range upwards of thousands of dollars. However, the ReMotion Knee combines affordability with functionality.

The company D-Rev, who creates and distributes the ReMotion Knee v3, aims to deliver high performance yet low-cost prosthetic devices to developing areas around the world. They strive to provide accessible modern prosthesis, as currently 80% of individuals with limb loss do not have access to modern prosthesis or the ability to be properly fitted. Giving individuals the opportunity for mobility creates waves. It fosters confidence, increased job opportunities and income, as well as overall improved health of the individuals.

For more information regarding the ReMotion Knee v3, check out their website​ .


About Writer: Macy Oteri

Macy is a senior undergraduate student at the University of Delaware majoring in exercise science. She has an interest in the field of orthotics and prosthetics and currently works in the Delaware Limb Loss Studies Lab at the University of Delaware

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