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VTA Takes Home the Win!

Vibrating Therapeutic Apparel (VTA) was named the alumni track winner of the University of Delaware’s Horn Program in Entrepreneurship’s Hen Hatch on Tuesday, April 25. VTA was generously awarded the first place prize of $17,500 at the event at World Cafe Live at the Queen in Wilmington, Delaware.

VTA’s first place finish demonstrates the company’s development and growth within a year!

The Hen Hatch finals consisted of the top three teams from each track (alumni, faculty, and staff track and UD students track) presenting their business concepts to a live audience and panel of judges. The accomplished judges came from organizations including JPMorgan Chase & Co. and BHP Consulting Group LLC.

The student track first place prize went to GeoSwap, an application. The other top three competitors in each track included Revive, Influencia, Strados Labs and TenantU.

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